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My statement and view regarding this is interpretation through my studies using mind maps so I will be explaining in detail regarding my study on this matter.

First of all, giving the idea to invent a future that does not exist requires one to reimagine the present and observe how all things work the way they are now. Hence, I am required to establish or create a new idea in order to assist me in introducing an alternative way of handling my current project. By imagining a new solution, I could possibly transform the experience for my users and how we usually approach the world.

From my research, I found out that they are five characteristics when it comes to thinking like a designer. The first point would be empathy where we should apply “people first approach” by putting ourselves in their shoes to have better understanding. We also should have an integrative thinking to be able to see all parts of problems that could come up along the experience. Being optimistic is also important in order to find endless ideas despite facing challenges hence that is why it is also important to be experimental and not hesitant to explore many ways and question ourselves for any lacking or flaws. Lastly, the character needed to think like a designer is to be collaborative and venture in different creative departments such as graphics, fashion, etc.

My current project is to provide a mental health facility specifically for children who are facing childhood trauma. Through my weeks of researching throughout this topic, I have managed to gather a few points to be discussed along with going through the issue that needed to be changed for the better.

  • System which are consists of three - government, private and community

  • Privacy policy which are barely applied & discriminated by - society, job/workplace, insurance health policy

  • Cost can be a big issue for people who are seeking for best treatment due to - government; being cheap and incompetent & private being costly despite having good specialized care

  • Mental health specialist sector - low number in psychiatrist & only focus on main/major health issue areas

My solution to create a better way for the users compared to how it is now is to START EARLY. By so, is to make sure any child or any possible young mental health patient is diagnosed as early as possible.

This can be done through a few methods.

  • Location - Considering the accessibility

  • Create website/app - To disclose identity, more comfortable approach & collect records

  • Discussion at school - Possible to include in health education, actively hold a talk or awareness month

  • Run a test - Start by creating a compulsory entry or annual test to make sure all child are well-prepared and will be taken care of accordingly

In conclusion, I would hope that the primary solution which is to educate the children would be one of the ways chosen to create a better upcoming generation. Based on my mind map, I hope that the young children will be provided with psychological support in their school or community. This could highly help to prevent any chronic mental health illness by delivering such education in school.

Through this way it could gives off many benefits such as;


  • Support healthy self-esteem

  • Regulate emotions

  • Empathy

  • Self-efficacy


  • Going against the stigma

  • Normalize the existence of such illness

  • A generation who are more open & understanding

The long terms effects would be as such;

  • Family & friends are more open & accepting

  • Workplace gives more flexibility (medical leave etc.)

  • Could possibly revise working hour/weekly

  • Officials/government will take this area more seriously and contribute more

  • More specialist will be produced and create more employment

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