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Interior Architecture III: Artist in Residence (S A N)

In the final project of Interior Design Architecture III, we were assigned to design a space, Art in Residence using the existing Jao Tim café located in the city center, Kuala Lumpur. The subject matter of my project is a Traditional Chinese Umbrella and both project 1 and 2 were done involving the “Forgotten Culture” item. This is my first project in Taylors Design School as I recently just continued my degree. In my honest opinion, there were a lot of differences in terms of module and assignment compare to my previous institution. The requirements are definitely unlike how I used to usually do my projects which I find quite challenging to fulfill along with meeting the deadlines.

Since this module has two parts which is Project 1, focusing more on the concept and also Project 2, designing the space, it has been quite a journey as it gave me an experience to actual deepen my design thinking skills. For the Project 1, I managed to improve a lot in both of my model and board after the crit session. It is my first time having to truly understand my subject matter and work from it to come out with the ideas and design development. I managed to increase the grade of my results after doing changes in both outcomes. I had a difficulty at first as it was quite complicated to come out with an idea out of an umbrella. However, I overcame the problem by understanding its principles and also the mechanism and characteristics of it. From the understanding, I knew my subject better and could derived many points from it to be inserted into my design ideas.

As for Project 2, I had problem keeping up with the pace as there were a lot of requirement to meet and I have many complications going on along the entire duration of the project. For the first few crit session, I managed to catch up with the deadlines and also progress work. Unfortunately, in the midst of doing my project I ran into many misfortune events which slowed down my progress. I had many difficulty with the 3D software and also I had a personal problem which took me a while to bounce back and get back to work. I initially worked using 3DsMax and it tremendously slowed me down as I had problem with the software licensing and also I had to reinstall it twice. Then, I decided to switch to SketchUp which is a whole different software which I have just recently learned so it took me a while to even understand how it actually works.

In the end, I did manage to fulfill the requirement and I even redo my boards and also my models before the presentation day. Although I did receive many criticism during the assessment by the external professional assessors, I do take it as a lesson to elevate my working quality and to create a better project in terms of outcomes and ideas in the future. To sum up, the entire project has been overwhelming and a lot to take in considering it is my first semester in degree. I do hope that my upcoming projects would be better and of a high quality than this.

​Below are the 3D perspectives of the interior of my design along with the presentation board.


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