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PROJECT 1: Jao Tim Space Modelling


The group I was involved in was assigned to do the space model of Jao Tim building. We had the chance to look at and understand each of the architectural elements of the building as we had to build it into a 1:50 scale.

A site visit has been done by my fellow group members and I was unable to join. I visited the unique cafe myself during my free time to understand and to get the first hand experience of the interior of the cafe. Many pictures have been taken for reference during the making of the model.

The interior of the cafe had an obvious rustic and rough look to it as most the wall areas are uncovered and are exposed brick walls. Even the ceiling are open as you can see the roof trusses and even the skeletal steel of the skylight. The color palette of the entire interior are rather muted and more to the earthy and nude color. Materials used in the cafe were rather primary such as wood and steel.

During the site visit, even the exterior and the surroundings were analyzed and studied for better understanding. The Jao Tim is situated in at the city center where many old shoplots are still being utilized. Some old buildings are being restored into new businesses and even eateries.


The base were constructed using layers of foam board, glued and sand on the side to make sure all surfaces are smooth. As it is cut into two to show to section of the model, the foam board is then attached with a door hinges to allow it to be open and close.

The material for the wall of the entire model is balsa wood and to show the finishes, wallpaper of bricks and brown colored paint. The walls are constructed separately and all four levels are connecting using glue. Meanwhile the flooring of the model was using a mixture of two material which are balsa wood and modelling board.

The roofs were built by cutting corrugated paper to its size and pasting it onto a modelling paper to create a thickness. It is then layered with aluminium foil to create the similar look of a zinc roofing. The roof trusses were assembled using three different width and thickness of balsa wood.

The staircase for Jao Tim was meticulously cut and assembled to resemble the exact staircase in the cafe. Balsa wood of different sizes and thickness are used to achieve the exact replica of the staircase.

The facade of Jao Tim was carefully carved to mimic the actually window shape using balsa wood and PVC sheet for the window. The signage Jao Tim itself was cut using laser cutting to get a more realistic display of the storefront.



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